Monday, May 30, 2016

Treatment For Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Last year actor Reid Ewing, Dylan on ABC’s hit show Modern Family, opened up about his mental health issues. He also shared how his treatment for Body Dysmorphic Disorder restored his health, changing his outlook on his body image.

In an article he wrote to the Huffington Post he explained how his mental illness begin. He talked about how his mental health issues started when he was a young child. His insecurities resulted in the destructive behavior of cutting. He even admitted to fantasizing about getting into a car accident just to have plastic surgery.

Eventually Ewing was diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. This disorder causes the person affected to become obsessed with the way they look.

Because of his obsession Ewing underwent multiple surgeries trying to become the perfect image of himself. He had loving and supportive parents but he couldn’t get a handle on his body image obsession or his depression. He began to have suicidal thoughts and hit rock bottom.

Only after seeking treatment for Body Dysmorphic Disorder was Ewing able to restore his health.

Are you struggling with Body Dysmorphic Disorder? If you are, there is treatment available. You do not have to struggle alone. Having a mental health issue is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.

In fact 13 to 20 percent of children living in the U.S. experience a mental health disorder in any given year, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The good news is that there is treatment for Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Treatment For Body Dysmorphic Disorder

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    • Helps you become aware of how negative thoughts, emotional reactions and behaviors cause problems over time.
    • Challenges negative thoughts about your body image. Teaches a more flexible and realistic way of thinking.
    • Helps you discover alternative ways to handle urges that cause you to constantly look in the mirror or seek reassurance

  • Medication Therapy
    • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
    • Other medications        

If you are struggling with Body Dysmorphic Disorder you do not have to struggle alone. Treatment for Body Dysmorphic Disorder is available if you are ready to receive it.

Contact New Vision Counseling Center to schedule an appointment.

Monday, May 23, 2016

What Are The Most Common Mental Disorders Affecting Young Adults?

I am glad that this month is Mental Health month. I am glad that mental health is finally getting the exposure it so desperately needs. The mental health industry has now been able to determine what are the most common mental disorders affecting young adults.

Because of an increase in mass murders involving young adults, the mental health industry’s major focus has recently shifted to mental disorders in young adults. Often times we can attribute someone’s behavior based on things that happened in their youth. Or behaviors in their youth could indicate they have a mental disorder. The best way to address mental illness is early detection. Because mental health was not seen as an important or relevant factor we have missed opportunities to help those that needed our help. Moving forward I hope we can turn this around.

What Are The Most Common Mental Disorders Affecting Young Adults

In Uk’s The Guardian, they wrote an article about the lack of urgency in treating young adults with mental disorders. It seems that doctors there fear 1 in 10 child that seeks help for mental disorders could be harmed while waiting for specialist treatment.

This means that young adults that ask for help will have to wait for an undetermined amount of time before receiving treatment. This is something we need to do better worldwide. It makes no sense to diagnose a child and then stall their access to treatment.

Common mental disorders plaguing young adults are:

  1. Depression (The most common)
  2. Anxiety
  3. Eating Disorder
  4. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Click here to read more in depth explanation about these disorders.

Teenagers go through so much that it is overwhelming to them. They don’t know how to express their feelings. They depend on the adults in their life to help them get through it.

How You Can Help

You can help your teenagers by getting them treatment as soon as possible. At New Vision Counseling Center,  we specialize in these disorders and would be honored to assist you . As the parent it is important to pay close attention to your child’s behavior. Look for any signs of extreme personality changes. This can sometimes indicate your child is experiencing one of these common mental disorders.

Is your child experiencing one of these mental disorders?

Contact New Vision Counseling Center to schedule an appointment.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Do I need A Counselor Or Psychiatrist

Many people ask me, "Do I Need A Counselor Or Psychiatrist?". This question is very common. When you realize that you need help, it is often confusing trying to decide which professional can best help you. So let me try to break it down for you so that you can make an informed decision.

What Is A Psychiatrist?

According to, psychiatry is the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (an M.D. or D.O.) who specializes in mental health, including substance use disorders. Psychiatrists are qualified to assess both the mental and physical aspects of psychological problems.
Some common problems psychiatrists deal with are panic attacks, frightening hallucinations, thoughts of suicide, or hearing "voices." Or they may be more long-term, such as feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or anxiousness that never seem to lift or problems functioning, causing everyday life to feel distorted or out of control.

What Is A Counselor?

According to, professional counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals. Counselors work with clients on strategies to overcome obstacles and personal challenges that they are facing.

Which profession is better for your needs?

  • If you have an issue that could benefit from medication, then you should see a psychiatrist.
    Psychiatrists have the ability to write prescriptions. In the case of someone with bipolar disorder, for example, the drug Lithium can help to balance out the different extreme responses caused by bipolar disorder.
  • If you are stressed about work or your home life, then you should see a counselor.
    A counselor can help identify your stress triggers. Once your triggers have been identified the counselor can help you come up with ways to combat your stress so it doesn't get out of hand.

Where The Two Professions Meet

If you are on medication prescribed by your psychiatrist for depression, you may also need counseling to determine the root cause of your depression. The medication helps to restore chemical balance while the counseling helps to restore emotional balance.
Whatever your reasons for therapy, it could involve the treatment from both practitioners. Sometimes just as it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes a team of professionals to help you live a productive life.
Considering counseling?
Contact New Vision Counseling Center to schedule an appointment.
If during our session it is determined that you could also benefit from a psychiatric care, we have colleagues to whom we can refer you. The most important thing to remember is that if you need help, seek it.

Monday, May 16, 2016

What Causes Suicidal Thoughts In Teenagers?

What causes suicidal thoughts in teenagers that ultimately leads to suicide?
Surviving parents and friends often asks this question. They wonder if there was something they could have done. If there were signs of suicidal behavior. 

This was the case for the mom of 17 year old Brittany Corcoran.
Brittany had every reason to live. She had loving parents. She was a beautiful young woman. She had an active social life. She was a star hockey goalie for her high school. She was a mentor to others. On the outside she seemed "normal". On the inside she was dealing with a mental illness, depression. Her mom, aware of her condition, kept constant watch over her. She made sure Brittany took her anti-depressant medication. She showered her with love and attention. However, despite her rigorous efforts, Brittany still committed suicide. Brittany committed suicide a few weeks shy of her 18th birthday.
Unfortunately, Brittany's case isn't unique or uncommon.

In fact a new national study has found that 1 in 25 teens have attempted suicide.
Click here to read Brittany's story...

So we are left wondering what causes suicidal thoughts in teenagers that ultimately leads to suicide?
Huffington Post, had a round table discussion on this topic in 2013. They talked to people who have been directly affected by teenage suicide. These people shared their personal stories and thoughts about what causes suicidal thoughts in teenagers.
What Causes Suicidal Thoughts In Teenagers

The most common answers:
  1. Depression and Mental Illness
  2. Abuse
  3. Peer Bullying
  4. Social Media
  5. Substance Abuse
It is important to remember that teenagers are more susceptible to feelings of helplessness and many times they do not know how to ask for help.  It's this feeling of isolation that causes suicidal thoughts in teenagers.

Is your teenager struggling with suicidal thoughts? Contact New Vision Counseling Center, LLC to schedule your confidential appointment. Our team of therapists are able to help.