Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Mind's Playin' Tricks on Me

There was a rap song that came out in 1992 with this title. Although explicit, the song made the point clear, your mind can play tricks on you!
How many times have you "talked" yourself out of doing something, or started telling yourself something opposite of what you really want to have or do? For example, you may say to yourself, "I want to be debt free by the end of 2009", then no sooner than you finish that statement, you begin to think about all of the bills, unexpected situations that can occur, and whatever else that costs money. Soon, you forget about your goal to be debt free or put it on the back burner. I call this, Mind Games! Sometimes, we can immediately jump to conclusions about situations without careful and rational thinking.

We have the ability to change the way we think. Yes, it is hard sometimes, but we can. I can remember growing up and hearing my mother quote Norman Vincent Peale's, The Power of Positive Thinking! I didn't know what she meant and sometimes I'd think, "ugghhhh, here we go again! But, Mr. Peale, and my mother, knew then what I and you can know now! We CAN eliminate all of the negative thoughts that prevent us from achieving happiness and success!

Again, this can be hard but it is not rocket science. Here are a few suggestions from The Power of Positive Thinking to get you on the way to changing how you think:
believe in yourself and in everything you do;
build new power and determination;
develop the power to reach your goals;
break the worry habit and achieve a relaxed life;
improve your personal and professional relationships;
assume control over your circumstances;
be kind to yourself.

So, the next time you find yourself countering your statements, immediately rephrase it to something you can achieve. Or, on another musical note, in "I Believe I Can Fly", R. Kelly said, "If I just believe it, there's nothing to it"!

*Info in this blog is strictly my personal and/or professional opinion. Posts and comments are not intended to treat, diagnose or replace any medical advice you may have received. Please contact your doctor or therapist if you feel you need help, and in case of an emergency, dial 911.*

1 comment:

intergritycc said...

So true, so true. I'm going to start today!