Monday, May 16, 2016

What Causes Suicidal Thoughts In Teenagers?

What causes suicidal thoughts in teenagers that ultimately leads to suicide?
Surviving parents and friends often asks this question. They wonder if there was something they could have done. If there were signs of suicidal behavior. 

This was the case for the mom of 17 year old Brittany Corcoran.
Brittany had every reason to live. She had loving parents. She was a beautiful young woman. She had an active social life. She was a star hockey goalie for her high school. She was a mentor to others. On the outside she seemed "normal". On the inside she was dealing with a mental illness, depression. Her mom, aware of her condition, kept constant watch over her. She made sure Brittany took her anti-depressant medication. She showered her with love and attention. However, despite her rigorous efforts, Brittany still committed suicide. Brittany committed suicide a few weeks shy of her 18th birthday.
Unfortunately, Brittany's case isn't unique or uncommon.

In fact a new national study has found that 1 in 25 teens have attempted suicide.
Click here to read Brittany's story...

So we are left wondering what causes suicidal thoughts in teenagers that ultimately leads to suicide?
Huffington Post, had a round table discussion on this topic in 2013. They talked to people who have been directly affected by teenage suicide. These people shared their personal stories and thoughts about what causes suicidal thoughts in teenagers.
What Causes Suicidal Thoughts In Teenagers

The most common answers:
  1. Depression and Mental Illness
  2. Abuse
  3. Peer Bullying
  4. Social Media
  5. Substance Abuse
It is important to remember that teenagers are more susceptible to feelings of helplessness and many times they do not know how to ask for help.  It's this feeling of isolation that causes suicidal thoughts in teenagers.

Is your teenager struggling with suicidal thoughts? Contact New Vision Counseling Center, LLC to schedule your confidential appointment. Our team of therapists are able to help.


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